Download e-book for kindle: Beginning from Jerusalem (Christianity in the Making, vol. by James D. G. Dunn

By James D. G. Dunn

Beginning from Jerusalem covers the early formation of the Christian religion from 30 to 70 C.E. After outlining the search for the old church (parallel to the hunt for the historic Jesus) and reviewing the resources, James Dunn follows the process the circulation stemming from Jesus “beginning from Jerusalem.” / He opens with a detailed research of what may be acknowledged of the earliest Jerusalem neighborhood, the Hellenists, the challenge of Peter, and the emergence of Paul. Then Dunn focuses exclusively on Paul — the chronology of his existence and project, his realizing of his name as apostle, and the nature of the church buildings that he based. The 3rd half strains the ultimate days and literary legacies of the 3 critical figures of first-generation Christianity: Paul, Peter, and James the brother of Jesus. each one part comprises certain interplay with the significant wealth of secondary literature at the many matters covered.

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Beginning from Jerusalem (Christianity in the Making, vol. 2) by James D. G. Dunn

by Kevin

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