Download e-book for kindle: British in India 1825-1859: Organisation, Warfare, Dress and by John French

By John French

Of the entire army campaigns fought by way of the British through the nineteenth century, no sector observed extra clash than the subcontinent of India. Dozens of encounters, either nice and small, concerned lots of its races as both associates or foes of england – certainly, it used to be common for a space to provide either best friend and enemy while! This quantity covers the British, Indian and Anglo-Indian troops who fought for The Honourable East India corporation and Britain over the numerous panorama of what's modern day Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, among the years 1826 and 1859.

The immense array of uniforms and get dressed worn by way of infantrymen serving in India in this interval is tested intimately, and vast details can be supplied on regimental colors. The book’s 9 chapters hide the crusade in Bhurtpore (1825–26); the Coorg crusade (1834); the 1st Afghan warfare (1839–42); the conquest of Sind (1843); the crusade opposed to Gwalior (1843); the Sikh Wars (1845–46 and 1848–49); activities at the North-West Frontier (1849–58); the Santhal uprising (1855–56); and the Indian Mutiny (1857–59).

Each of those chapters contains uniform info particular to the crusade coated, whereas that at the Indian Mutiny additionally comprises info of Mutineer costume. Many orders of conflict and battle-plans also are incorporated. Illustrations contain 199 drawings of troop forms and flags, and 27 different illustrations and maps

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British in India 1825-1859: Organisation, Warfare, Dress and Weapons (Armies of the Nineteenth Century) by John French

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