Burning the Midnight Oil: Illuminating Words for the Long by Phil Cousineau PDF

By Phil Cousineau

In Burning the hour of darkness Oil, word-wrangler extraordinaire Phil Cousineau has accrued an eclectic and electrical choice of soulful poems and prose from nice thinkers in the course of the a long time. even if beguiling readers with wonderful poetry or consoling them with prayers from fellow stressed souls, Cousineau can relieve any insomniac's unease. From St. John of the go to Annie Dillard, Beethoven to The track of Songs, this refreshingly insightful anthology soothes and conjures up all who go through the darkish of the evening. those "night strategies" vividly illustrate Alfred North Whitehead's freeing description of "what we do with no solitude" and likewise evoke Henry David Thoreau's reverie, "Our truest lifestyles is after we are in desires awake." The evening writers in Cousineau's vesperal assortment diversity from saints, poets, and shamans to astronomers and naturalists, and tells of historic stories and shining passages from the main outstanding (albeit insomniac) writers of at the present time. those poetic ponderances sing of the falling darkness, enjoy dream-time, show the soreness of depression, conspire opposed to sleeplessness, vanquish loneliness, ponder the evening sky, rhapsodize on love, and languorously greet the 1st rays of sunrise. outstanding evening owls contain Rabandranath Tagore, Mary Oliver, Manley Hopkins, Jorge Borges and William Blake.

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Burning the Midnight Oil: Illuminating Words for the Long Night's Journey Into Day by Phil Cousineau

by George

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