Who Owns the World's Media?: Media Concentration and - download pdf or read online

By Eli M. Noam,The International Media Concentration Collaboration

Media possession and focus has significant implications for politics, enterprise, tradition, rules, and innovation. it's also a hugely contentious topic of public debate in lots of nations world wide. In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi's businesses have ruled Italian politics. Televisa has been accused of taking funds for confident assurance of politicians in Mexico. Even in tiny Iceland, the law of media focus ended in that country's first and basically public referendum.

Who Owns the World's Media? strikes past the rhetoric of unfastened media and loose markets to supply a dispassionate and data-driven research of worldwide media possession traits and their drivers. in keeping with an in depth info assortment attempt from students worldwide, the ebook covers 13 media industries, together with tv, newspapers, ebook publishing, movie, se's, ISPs, instant telecommunication and others, throughout a 10 to 25 yr interval in thirty nations. in lots of countries--like Egypt, China, or Russia--little to no facts exists and the ebook of those chapters turns into authoritative assets at the topic in these regions.

After studying each one state, Noam and his collaborators supply comparisons and research throughout industries, areas, and improvement degrees. in addition they calculate total nationwide focus tendencies past particular media industries, the marketplace percentage of person businesses within the total nationwide media region, and the scale and developments of transnational businesses in total international media.

This definitive international learn of the level and influence of media focus may be a useful source for communications, public coverage, legislations, and enterprise students in doing learn and in addition for media, telecom, and IT businesses and fiscal associations within the deepest sector.

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Who Owns the World's Media?: Media Concentration and Ownership around the World by Eli M. Noam,The International Media Concentration Collaboration

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